Here is one of our current, local charity groups that we endorse and help out with on a regular basis:
Reveal Resource Center
Food Pantry: The Reveal Resource Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding families through both physical and spiritual resources! It takes more than one person to spread the message of compassion, and Reveal Resource Center cannot exist without the support of others!
Community Clothes Closet: If your Church, School, Business, Agency or Family would like to take action to eliminate hunger and provide resources for self sufficiency, you can support this ministry through the following areas: Canned Food, Clothing Drive, Monetary Donations and Volunteer work.
Distribution of food and clothing takes place on Mondays from 7pm-8pm and Tuesdays from 9am-12pm (volunteer shifts start 30 minutes before each time).
To learn more or volunteer, please visit their website:
Come join us as we show the best of "Rotarians at work" by helping at Reveal Ministeries Food Pantry. For over 5 years selflessly serving over 200-400 families per week who find themselves in need.